Best Cryptocurrency Brokers | 2025 بهترین کارگزاران ارزهای رمزنگاری شده
کارگزار | ارسال دیدگاه | مطالب انجمن | امتیاز کلی | رتبهبندی کاربر | رتبه قیمتگذاری | روشهای تأمین وجه | پلتفرمهای معاملاتی | محافظت از تتمه حساب منفی | بیمه سپرده تنظیمی | ارز حساب | مدل اجرا | 7ab2b279-4d15-453a-9026-93e4c5af5266 |
Best Cryptocurrencies Brokers List in 2025
Best cryptocurrencies brokers comparison table. Check out our list with the best cryptocurrencies brokers in 2025, sorted by overall rating. Compare the overall rating of each broker to see how our industry experts rate each broker for pricing, regulatory status and popularity. Check out how verified traders, with a real trading account, rate each broker for spreads, trading conditions and customer support.
Why choose a cryptocurrencies broker to trade crypto CFDs?
There are several reasons why investors might prefer to open an account with a cryptocurrencies CFDs broker, compared to a crypto exchange. Although with higher trading costs, it might be preferable to work with a crypto CFDs broker and the main reasons could be resumed to seven:
- Default negative balance protection for retail traders, subject to the jurisdiction,
- Client money is segregated with tier-1 international banks,
- No need for a wallet to store crypto tokens,
- A CFDs broker is less likely to suffer hacker attacks and get the tokens stolen (with a CFD broker, investors trade the price only. Thus, the broker does not store the underlying asset),
- Trading cryptos with CFDs brokers allow traders to go long or short on the price action,
- Most brokers protect retail traders with an investor compensation fund covering balances in case of broker's bankruptcy,
- Most CFD brokers are regulated and offer dispute resolution by competent bodies.
Whatever the reason, opening an account with a CFDs cryptocurrencies broker can only be beneficial to the trader. After all, CFD brokers have stronger regulations, thus more client protection. The only inconvenience might be the assets available for trading, normally restricted only to the most popular cryptocurrencies.
Find the best cryptocurrencies broker for your trading strategy
Use our best cryptocurrencies brokers list to find out how our industry experts rate each broker, overall, for its jurisdiction, choice of regulatory authority, popularity and pricing. Check out also how real traders, with a verified trading account, rate each broker according to their personal experience with that broker.
Compare the pricing rating of each cryptocurrencies broker, the available funding methods (including e-wallets, such as Skrill, PayPal and Neteller) and available trading platforms. Confirm if a cryptocurrencies broker offers negative balance protection and/or a regulatory deposit compensation scheme. Find out the execution model operated by each broker (STP, ECN, MM, etc.) and the available account currencies.
Reputable cryptocurrencies brokers to help you succeed in your online trading career.